
One of Germany's biggest metal bands, Helloween were founded in 1984 by Kai Hansen (vocals and guitar), Weiki Weikath (guitar), Markus Grosskopf (Bass) and Ingo Schwichtenberg (Drums). "Walls Of Jericho" was released quickly, and knew how to please. But when Kai no longer wanted to do both vocals and guitar, one made the mistake to get involved as Fronter Michi Kiske. In "Keeper Of The Seven Keys Part 1", it was found that this constituted a miscast. However, the albumin was the phase in which the Power Metal-wave broke, so it was praised to the skies. "Keeper Of The Seven Keys Part 2" hit the same line and was cheered up again. Now recognized Kai, that what the band played with than what it was intended at establishing, barely fit together and got out to establish Gamma Ray. Helloween found replacement in Roland Grapow. There was a pause before 1991 "Pink Bubbles Go Ape" was released. The album represented a new low point in the work of the band and was even panned by specialized press and fans. Nevertheless, the band went on the course by "Chameleon", a pop album published. In order for the credit with fans and press was depleted. Man standing in front of the resolution, as Ingo left the band, who suffered from schizophrenia. He threw himself under a train later. Shortly after leaving Michigan, so a fresh start with Uli Kusch (drums) and Andi Deris (vocals) was possible. "Master Of The Rings" managed to reach the level of "Keeper Of The Seven Keys" slithers. While the songwriting was weak, but had been a singer who at least partially matched the metal. In "The Time Of The Oath", which dealt with Nostradamus, the band has been improved and rehabilitated. On "Better Than Raw" could the Hamburger continue the upward trend and released their first album since 1985, that was interesting for non-power metal, although very modern and progressive sound and carried the songs of tradition as a melodic band bill. Built in 2000, published "The Dark Ride" led the style consistent on, but could not compete on the Hitdichte ago with the predecessor, also the production was suboptimal. Unfortunately the style of both albums was only represented by Roland and Uli, who had written the songs, the rest wanted to continue in old-style pumpkin head and dismissed the two. The guitar was occupied by Sascha Gerstner and behind the drums were hired after some back and forth Stefan Schwarzmann, who was known by Accept. So you took "Rabbit Do not Come Easy" on. The board went back to the roots, that is soft metal, which was dominated by keyboards. After the album Stefan left the band and was replaced by Dani Löble, the on - could be heard "Keeper Of The Seven Keys The Legacy". This included not only thematically but also musically with the rest of the saga and offered no improvement to the direct predecessor, was still poppy but was showered with praise by the press. On "Gambling With The Devil" was presented in 2007 improved, melodiousness and bombast had given more hardness, which pulled a melancholy through the album, which clouded the hearing impression. This shortcoming has been corrected to "7 Sinners". The album was harder than its predecessor and one of the strongest of the band. "Straight Out Of Hell" was lame and could hardly convince. Too much it was in the old Helloween Trott with peace - joy - expire pancakes both in the lyrics and in the music. Still less was published this year, "My God-Given Right", that sounded like the "Keeper Of The Seven Keys" albums and had little hat with the metal.

    1. MetalCrew Regelwerk V11 (Aktualisiert: 22.11.20) 8

      • Mihe
      • January 10, 2016 at 7:43 PM
      • Mihe
      • November 22, 2020 at 11:43 PM
    2. Replies
    3. Dr. Sin

      November 22, 2020 at 11:43 PM
    1. Helloween - Die Biographie

      • Dr. Sin
      • July 16, 2015 at 3:14 PM
      • Dr. Sin
      • July 16, 2015 at 3:14 PM
    2. Replies
    1. Kai Hansen und der Weg zu Gamma Ray: Ein Rückblick

      • Joey
      • October 8, 2024 at 4:20 PM
      • Joey
      • October 8, 2024 at 4:20 PM
    2. Replies
    1. Die Bedeutung der Texte in Helloween-Songs

      • Page
      • August 1, 2024 at 8:00 PM
      • Page
      • August 1, 2024 at 8:00 PM
    2. Replies
    1. Helloween

      • Dr. Sin
      • June 22, 2021 at 6:08 PM
      • Dr. Sin
      • June 22, 2021 at 6:08 PM
    2. Replies

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